My interest in somatic work began in 1991, when I was sent some information about Aromatherapy. I was quickly fascinated, and took a year long training to become an Aromatherapist. I then realized that I needed a license in order to practice. My pursuit of that led into a passionate exploration and practice of somatic bodywork that has lasted for more than 30 years. About 14 years ago, my then 6 year old daughter fell from a tree and suffered a closed head concussion. The doctors sent her home with no treatment. But she was waking each night with nightmares and during the day she was constantly bumping into things. I called a friend who was a CranioSacral therapist and she came over and gave my daughter a session in the middle of the afternoon. My daughter fell asleep and slept peacefully through the rest of the day and into the next morning. When she awoke, all the symptoms were gone. It was then I realized it was time to specialize in this amazing therapy, and quickly became trained to do so. Over the years I learned that the body often holds onto traumatic memories long after the event and that until these memories are released from the tissues, they continue to affect us in multiple ways. This realization is what led me into the work of Peter Levine and Somatic Experiencing as well as Somatic EMDR. More recently I have been struck by the struggles of our children as they try to adapt to a fast changing world and have developed the children’s program combining CranioSacral and HANDLE with the latest research into brain development using clinical audio music programs, movement and the Polyvagal Theory developed by Stephen Porges. The work never ceases to unfold as I develop my ability to listen more deeply.
Somatic EMDR Practitioner
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Unyte Recognized SSP Mentor and Provider of SSP and ILS
CranioSacral Diplomate Certified - Upledger Institute - Including advanced training in the following: Pediatrics 1 & 2, Pregnancy and Conception, Sensory Integration, Immune Response, Chronic Depletion and Brain 1 & 2
CranioSacral Mentor & Study Group Leader – Upledger Institute
Certified Presenter - Upledger Institute
Certified HANDLE Screener
Licensed Massage Therapist – Myotherapy Institute of Utah
Certified Aromatherapist – Quintessence Aromatherapy